PDP Exclusives by Rebecca

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lunch Pail: Indian Spice Rub

As Krissi promised at the end of May, she is finally posting her current favorite dry spice rub for chicken (or fish or lamb or ...) which once again features the flavors of India!

Instead of using specific measurements on this one, I've set this recipe up in proportions.  If you want to try this out, you could use a 1/2 teaspoon as your "part."  I usually use a tablespoon as my measurement, then double the recipe and store the mix in a mason jar.  That way, when you're ready to use it, you just grab and go.

  • 2 parts ground coriander
  • 2 parts ground cumin
  • 2 parts garam masala
  • 2 parts ground ginger
  • 2 parts garlic powder 
  • 2 parts turmeric
  • 1 part cardamom (ground) - I shell the pods and grind the spice in a dedicated blade grinder
  • 2 parts coarse kosher salt
  • 1-2 parts cayenne powder
I've started buying in bulk and keeping my Indian spices in Mason jars.
I've gone hard core!

I use this rub on skinless, boneless chicken breasts, but it could be used for fish or even tofu.  I just rinse, trim and pat the chicken pieces dry, then pop them in a Ziploc baggie with enough spice to coat all the pieces well.  Then I leave the chicken in peace for an hour or so in the fridge.  You can cook them in your preferred manner, but just grilling them with a little spritz of oil is fabulous.


By the way, this is very tasty over rice with raita (yogurt sauce) or, if you have some around, some naan.  Mmmmmm.... naan.... *drool*

Krissi Sandvik is the artist and owner of Krissi's Art Studio, home of Skelekitty and Friends in Folsom (yes, like the prison) California, where she resides with her husband, cats, tortoise and Jack Russell Terrier, Abby. Krissi, claims to have been raised by a pack of wild attorneys, was unofficially named "best tutorialer on the web" by her friend Rachelle Rose. She likes to cook, hang out with friends and drive fast.

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